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The Festival Encuentro Cultura y Derechos Humanos, now in its sixth edition, is already functioning as an interesting tool for attracting tourists. This is why we should not disregard the possibility of including culture as the fourth axis of sustainable development, complementing the traditional ones (economy, society and environment).
This VI Festival Culture and Human Rights Meeting aims to promote a projection of the key role that culture plays in favouring a more sustainable tourism through the use and enhancement of the differentiation of the Canary Islands brand through the attributes of identity and local culture to improve the distribution of the impact of tourism in the territory and extend its value chain. With this in mind, we have taken into consideration the criteria of the GSTC for the tourism industry, in its section dedicated to maximising benefits for culture and minimising negative impacts. Specifically, this section is composed of three criteria:
1. Protection of cultural heritage: this VI Festival Encuentro Culture y Derechos Humanos contributes to the protection, preservation and enhancement of local properties, sites and traditions with cultural and symbolic significance, favouring universal access for citizens and visitors.
2. Cultural interaction: we follow international and national best practices, as well as locally agreed guidelines for the management and promotion of territories or destinations, in order to minimise negative impacts and maximise local benefits and visitor satisfaction.
3. Promotion of culture and heritage: we value and incorporate authentic local elements of popular and contemporary culture in our activities, design, promotion or communication, respecting the intellectual property rights of their authors and/or performers.
Our basic idea is that the Tourism-Culture binomial must be seen as a reflection of the degree of quality, diversity and socio-economic dynamisation, with a strong anchorage in the territory. Culture, that which emanates from heritage and also that which is generated from exchange and production proposals, plays a crucial role in the tourism industry and can be an axis or economic engine that complements and boosts this sector in various ways.
Therefore, in addition to variables such as trust, reliability, credibility, transparency, among others, we have also incorporated singularity in this 6th Culture and Rights Festival. This uniqueness is given by that territorial cultural and tourist heritage that we adapt, communicate and promote according to the demands of tourism, or at least, we contribute to it to a high degree.
Bearing in mind that the image is the representation of a territory, we have designed a marketing and promotional campaign that responds to the idea that the consumers/customers themselves may have created, to the perception that they have prior to the commercialisation of the Canary Islands, its products, its heritage and culture in general.
1.1 Concert by ORLIM
Date: Friday 3 May 2024
Venue: Sala Rayuela, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
1.2 Concert by DUELE
Date: Saturday 4 May 2024
Venue: Sala Rayuela, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
1.3 Concert by CHEAP MANIFESTO
Date: Saturday 11 May 2024
Venue: Sala Rayuela, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
1.4 Concert by NAVE ROTA
Date: Friday 17 May 2024
Venue: Sala Rayuela, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
1.5 Concert by MOLINA
Date: Saturday 18 May 2024
Venue: Rayuela Hall, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
La Palma and La Gomera
2.1 Visual Arts: Exhibition PAIN/dolor 2019. Flashes and history by Alejandro Mutis 2019 Photography by Marco Mira
2.1.1 Date: From May 2 to May 23
Venue: Casa del Conde, Llano de Argual, Los Llanos de Aridane
2.1.2 Date: From the 3rd to the 30th of June
Venue: Casa de Cultura Pedro García Cabrera, Vallehermoso, La Gomera
2.2 Visual Arts and Music: Exhibition and recital LIBERIA
Date: From the 1st of May to the 3rd of June
Place: Casa de Cultura Pedro García Cabrera, Vallehermoso, La Gomera
Gran Canaria
3.1 Conference Is silence an option? Freedom of expression and lawfare
Date: 22 May 2024
Place: Edificio Miller, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
La Gomera
4.1 Film and Human Rights Cycle: SOLO UNA VEZ
Date: 4 May 2024 · 19:30 pm
Place: Casa de Cultura Pedro García Cabrera, Vallehermoso, La Gomera
4.2 Film and Human Rights Series: SAMBA, UN NOMBRE BORRADO
Date: 11 May 2024 · 19:30 pm
Place: Casa de Cultura Pedro García Cabrera, Vallehermoso, La Gomera
4.3 Film and Human Rights Cycle: TRAS LA ESTELA DEL VALBANERA
Date: 18 May 2024 · 19:30 pm
Place: Casa de Cultura Pedro García Cabrera, Vallehermoso, La Gomera
4.4 Performing arts. Un día habrá una isla. Pedro García Cabrera
Date: 7 June 2024 at 20:00h
Venue: Auditorio Insular de La Gomera
Actividad financiada con fondos europeos, a través del Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia Next Generation EU.

Historia DDHH
we would love to hear from you
Avenida del Manzanares, 62 - 4D, 28019 Madrid
T. +34 606 988 601
Obispo Rey Redondo, 13, first floor, office 4
38201 San Cristobal de La Laguna Tenerife
T. +34 609 273 857
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